Key to BIOME data values

(Prentice et al., 2000,
0 sea
1 tropical evergreen forest
2 tropical semi-deciduous forest
3 tropical deciduous forest/woodland
4 temperate deciduous forest
5 temperate conifer forest
6 warm-temperate mixed forest
7 cool mixed forest
8 cool conifer forest
9 cold mixed forest
10 evergreen taiga/montane forest
11 deciduous taiga/montane forest
12 tropical savanna
13 tropical xerophytic shrubland
14 temperate xerophytic shrubland
15 temperate sclerophyll woodland
16 temperate broadleaved savanna
17 open conifer woodland
18 boreal parkland
19 tropical grassland
20 temperate grassland
21 desert
22 steppe tundra
23 shrub tundra
24 dwarf-shrub tundra
25 prostrate shrub tundra
26 cushion-forb, lichen, moss tundra
28 land ice
Key to MEGABIOME data values

(after Harrison & Prentice 2003,
0 sea
1 tropical forest
2 warm-temperate forest
3 savanna and dry woodland
4 grassland and dry shrubland
5 desert
6 temperate forest
7 boreal forest
8 tundra
9 dry tundra
28 land ice