USGS - science for a changing world

Arctic Paleoceanography

Project Publications


Brinkhuis, H. and IODP-ACEX 302 Scientific Staff. 2006. Episodic fresh surface waters in the Eocene Arctic Ocean. Nature 441, 606-609.

Backman, J., K. Moran, D. B. McInroy, L. A. Mayer, and the Expedition 302 Scientists, 2006. Proc. IODP, 302: Edinburgh. IODP Cruise Report includes separate chapters, see Backman, J., and the IODP Expedition 302 Scientists. 2006. IODP Expedition 302, Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX): a first look at the Cenozoic paleoceanography of the central Arctic Ocean. Sci. Drill. 1:12–17. 10.2204/

Cronin, T. M., S. A. Smith, F. Eynaud, M. O'Regan, and J. King. 2008. Quaternary paleoceanography of the central Arctic based on Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Arctic Coring Expedition 302 foraminiferal assemblages. Paleoceanography 23, PA1S18

Eynaud, F., T. M. Cronin, S. Smith, J. Mavel, Y. Marry, V. Mas, S. Zaragosi. 2009. Morphological variability of the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma from ACEX cores: Implications for Late Pleistocene circulation in the Arctic Ocean, Micropaleontology 55, 101-116.

Moran, K, J. Backman, and IODP-ACEX-302 Scientific Staff. 2006. The Cenozoic paleoenvironment of the Arctic Ocean. Nature 441, 601-605. rnal/v441/n7093/abs/nature04800.html

O’Regan, M. J. King, J. Backman, M. Jakobsson, H. Pälike, K. Moran, C. Heil, T. Sakamoto, T. Cronin, R. Jordan. 2008. Cyclostratigraphic constraints on the Plio-Pleistocene chronology of sediments from the Lomonosov Ridge. Paleoceanography 23, PA1S19.

Pagani, M., and IODP-ACEX 302 Scientific Staff. 2006. Arctic hydrology during global warming at the Palaeocene/Eocene thermal maximum. Nature 442, 671-675

Sluijs, A., and IODP-ACEX 302 Scientific Staff. 2006. Subtropical Arctic Ocean temperatures during the Palaeocene/Eocene thermal maximum. Nature 441, 610-613.

Arctic Sea Ice Variability

Cronin, T. L. Gemery, W.M. Briggs Jr., M. Jakobsson, L. Polyak, E.M. Brouwers. 2010. Quaternary sea-ice history in the Arctic Ocean based on a new Ostracode sea-ice proxy. Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (25-26), 3415-3429.

Polyak, L. R. Alley, J. Andrews, J. Brigham-Grette, T. M. Cronin, D. Darby, A. Dyke; J. Fitzpatrick, S. Funder, M. Holland, A. Jennings, G. Miller, M. O'Regan, J. Savelle, M. Serreze, K. St. John, J. White. 2010. History of Sea Ice in the Arctic. Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (15-16), 1757-1778.

Arctic Ostracode Distributions

National Climatic Data Center Arctic Ostracode Database 2010

Poirier, R.K., T.M. Cronin, W.M. Briggs, R. Lockwood, 2012. Central Arctic paleoceanography for the last 50kyr based on ostracode faunal assemblages. Marine Micropaleontology, in press.

Arctic Holocene temperature and climate variability

Farmer, J. R., T. M. Cronin, A. de Vernal, G. S. Dwyer, L. D. Keigwin, R. C. Thunell. 2011. Ocean temperature variability in the Western Arctic Ocean during the last 8000 years. Geophysical Research Letters 38, L24602.

Jennings, A. E., C. Sheldon, T. M. Cronin, J. Stoner, J. T. Andrews. 2011. The Holocene History of Nares Strait: Transition from glacial bay to Arctic-Atlantic Throughflow.  Oceanography. 24 (3), 26–41.

Quaternary Arctic Ostracode Faunas and Paleoceanography

Cronin, T.M., Holtz, T.R., and Whatley, R.C. 1994. Quaternary paleoceanography of the deep Arctic Ocean based on quantitative analysis of Ostracoda. Marine Geology 19:  305-332. (special issue, "Arctic Ocean" T. Vorren, J. Thiede (eds.)

Cronin, T.M., Holtz, T.R., Jr., Stein, R., Spielhagen, R., Futterer, D., Wollenberg, J. 1995. Late Quaternary paleoceanography of the Eurasian Basin, Arctic Ocean. Paleoceanography. 10 (2), 259-281.

Cronin, T.M., Whatley, R., Wood, A., Tsukagoshi, A., Ikeya, N., Brouwers, E.M., Briggs, W., Jr.  1993.  Evidence for Elevated mid-Pliocene Temperatures in the Arctic Ocean Based on Marine Ostracoda.  Paleoceanography, 8 (2), 161-173.

Dwyer, G. S., T. M. Cronin, P. A. Baker, M. E. Raymo, J. S. Buzas, T. Correge, 1995. North Atlantic Deepwater Temperature Change During Late Pliocene and Late Quaternary Climatic Cycles. Science 270, 1347-1351.

Jones, R. Ll., R. Whatley, T. M. Cronin. H. J. Dowsett. 1999. Reconstructing late Quaternary deep-water masses in the eastern Arctic Ocean using benthonic Ostracoda. Marine Micropaleontology 37, 251-272.

The Geological Record and Climate Challenges

Cronin, T. M. 2010. Modern climate challenges and the geological record. American Paleontologist 18 (1), 10-12.

Arctic Climate Change and Ecosystems

Gemery, L., T.M. Cronin, L.W. Cooper. Benthic Ostracode Assemblages in the Bering Sea from 1976 to 2010. Submitted.

Greene, C. H., A. J. Pershing, T. M. Cronin, N. Ceci. 2008. Arctic climate change and its impacts on the ecology of the North Atlantic.  Ecology 89, S24-S38.


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